Digital Advertising Blog

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AI is Revolutionizing Every Aspect of the Auto Industry

The automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation, and independent auto dealers should be at the...

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Why an Ad Agency Offers Better Value Than an In-House Hire

Deciding between hiring an in-house advertising and marketing manager or partnering with an ad agency is a crucial...

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Boosting Customer Retention: Strategies for Auto Dealerships to Keep Customers Coming Back

Customer retention is a key factor in driving profitability for auto dealerships, particularly for independent and...

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Navigating the Challenges of Q4: Strategic Planning to Finish Strong

With only 1 month left of Q3 some of us are thinking about how to save the year, how to crush YOY volume and profit,...

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Building Momentum in Automotive Sales During Down Times

All of us have faced those inevitable slow periods—whether it is the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming...

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